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Your Photo Guide

Adrian Szatewicz


My name is Adrian and I come from Poland. I was living and working in Norway almost 9 years. From the beginning I was exploring Norwegian beautiful landscapes, improving my photographic skills, my gear and my knowledge about the photography itself as well as Scandinavian nature and culture. I also learned a lot about shooting in a very dynamic light and weather conditions which are common in Norway and especially on Lofoten Islands.

During my workshops I will lead You through the most scenic, beautiful and breathtaking locations across western parts of Lofoten Archipelago.

Each day I will share my knowledge about landscape photography. Together we will explore many different places finding interesting compositions and using different photography techniques to capture the light in the best possible way.

During the evenings we will be hunting for Aurora Borealis - I will show You how to shoot at night and if we will be lucky - how to capture dancing green lights in the best possible way!

I will also find some time to sit down with You and work on Your shots, discussing the best compositions and some post-processing techniques which can improve Your works.

I was visitng Lofoten multiple times already and I have learned how to work around the extreme weather and fast changing light to get the most of it in various locations.

Hope to see You soon!

Available Workshops:

Magical Winter in the North
Landscape & Northern Lights Photography 
11-18 March 2023


Golden Days and Long Nights
Landscape Photography Workshops & Aurora Hunting
14-21 October 2023


Follow The Northern Lights
Landscape Photography Workshops & Aurora Hunting
11-18 November 2023

Workshops Details:

Place: Lofoten Islands, northern Norway, Europe

Group size: 2- 5 persons

In a small group we will be more mobile, organized and I will have more time to reach everyone of You to help out in camera settings and composition.

Our base: Depending on the final size of the group and availability of accommodation options, we will be staying in a fully equipped house or bungalows in Ramberg or Reine area - to be close to our points of interest. 

Accommodation in a single bedrooms. 

Price: 2050 € / 2100 $ (negotiable for couples and groups)

Price include:

  • Transfer from/to the airport in Narvik-Harstad (or Leknes if You prefer)

  • Accommodation in fully equipped house or bungalows

  • Every day transport to different locations, at least two photo sessions per day (sunrise/sunset and Aurora Hunting depending of weather conditions and Aurora forecasts)

  • Food on arrival - I will make a basic grocery shopping for everyone to cover supper and breakfast in the first days of our workshops. Self catering during the rest of the stay.

  • My support during every session - gear, settings, compositions, finding the best spots

  • Post-processing classes with my and Your images

Price does NOT include:

  • International flights to/from Norway

  • Food and drinks during the stay (except 'Food on arrival') - it is a self catering accommodation but You can easily buy a lot of 'ready to eat' meals which can be prepared in our kitchen fast and easy

  • Travel insurance, visa.

  • Extra gear if You forgot or lost Yours

Difficulty level: Very easy - most of the locations are situated on the coastline and town areas - only wet and icy rocks can be dangerous (spikes for shoes highly recommended).

Final word: We will be shooting outdoors every day, in a different weather conditions and the session will last 3-8 hours depending of the weather. Take the best available weather proof clothes and shoes. Full check list of recommended gear will be send closer to workshops date.


Every day we will work around the weather and light conditions. I will be monitoring the weather forecasts and inform You in advance where and what we are going to shoot next day.

In the galleries below You can see all the locations we will be visiting.

During my workshops I am trying to visit all the most famous places as well as share with You some of the spots I discovered myself.

During the photo sessions I am working mostly with You but also taking my shots as well, to show You some compositions and ideas, to demonstrate some post processing techniques after.

Remember that I am at Your service during the whole time and if You will struggle with some locations, subjects, settings, gear or any other aspect of the workshops - don't hesitate to tell me about that!

As Your guide I will do my best to feel You both comfortable and satisfied.

Reservations and payment:

To make a reservation, please contact me via this side or directly on my e-mail address:

Payment methods:

Bank Transfer and PayPal.

Reservation fee/ deposit: A non-refundable* deposit of 250 USD/250 EUR is required to confirm Your reservation and hold the place.
This amount will be taken from final price.
*Deposit money can be returned if You will have to cancel the reservation due to random and proven reasons.

Final payment: Deadline for final payment is set to 8 weeks before start of each workshops, if You haven't paid the full amount before.

Cancellation: It is possible to cancel Your booking until 56 days (8 weeks) before starting date of workshops. Your money will be transferred back, except the deposit amount.

By making this reservation You confirm that You read and understand all the informations and agree to all the Workshop's terms and conditions.

For payment in US dollars PayPal: 

or use my link, where You can choose currency and amount.



Customers testimonials:

'I spent some great winter days with Adrian on Lofoten in January 2020.He brought us to awesome locations and knew them all in detail. So I saw some of the places I had been before with new eyes.And he gave us some great tips for Lightroom and Photoshop too.'

Amy Fernhowe / Germany


'After catching up at work and home, I finally finished culling through my images.  As I was processing them, I could not help but realizing what an amazing trip that was.  The unique landscape at Lofoten during the winter in great light had really captivated me.  With a bit of PS magic, they really popped.  With Adrian’s guidance, we had really maximized the short time there given the weather constraints that we faced.  Thank you, Adrian!'
San Yuan / USA

'It was an awesome trip to the Lofoten Islands with Land of Light Photography. Tom and Adrian were both really helpful and were always on hand for any questions. I felt that I was able to improve on my skills and try new things due to the variety of landscape.

I would definitely recommend others to go with them to the Lofoten Islands; it was a trip that had both; the classic locations that Lofoten offers as well as some very unique spots which made the experience so much more memorable, especially when it came to the aurora on our last night there!'
Ali Ayaz / UK

'I can thoroughly recommend a workshop with Adrian. He knows the area so well and where to go in the ever changing weather conditions. I went to places and at times when I was sure there would be no photo opportunities and yet came away with images different from many that can be seen on the internet.
Adrian can take you to locations away from the normal tourist hotspots and yet still provide the full flavour of what Lofoten has to offer.
He is an attentive leader and knowledgeable photographer and offers advice which ensures you get the best out of the experience.
If ever you get the chance to book one of his workshop places I would highly recommend that you go for it. You will not regret it and will certainly come back with more skills than those you went with in all aspects of photography.
Thank you Adrian for such a memorable trip, it was a pleasure to meet and learn from you.'

June McNeil / Spain

Workshops plan:

Day 1st and the last one

Airport transfer - I will arrive and depart from Evenes Narvik-Harstad airport. It is possible to fly directly to Lofoten if You wish to avoid long drive. I can pick up and deliver You back to Leknes airport after agreement.

From day #2

Sunrise and sunset sessions in different locations, depending of weather conditions. I will plan 1-2 days ahead to use the available light in the best possible way. I will try to cover all the places mentioned below as well as show You different types of vistas each day. Every day we will have to work around the weather so it is possible we will have to change the plans during the day, sometimes this kind of improvisation is the only way to capture some amazing and unique moments.

Every night we will try to hunt for Aurora Borealis if the conditions allow.

Locations and galleries:

Below You can go through the locations we will be visiting during our workshops.
Few important informations followed with shortcut to big photo galleries from previous years.

Skagsanden & Flakstad

Very famous beach with sand patterns which are changing during every tide, big waves and surfers, magical tide pools on the rocks, location for full-day exploration. Great for Aurora hunting but close distance from the main road and parking area make it very busy and hard to shoot in night conditions because of car lights and flashlights from other photographic groups.
In Flakstad village we have nice, wooden church.



Iconic place and village. Around the town we will visit several great photo spots, main view over the village and sea bay is a perfect location for sunrise, sunset and Aurora Hunting as well.
Good location for spending some time on shopping, visiting cafe and trying local food in restaurant.



Small location with probably most famous photo spot- view from the bridge towards Robuer houses, coastline and mountains in background.
Second great spot there is small sea harbor with fishing boats, small houses and fantastic mountains in background.
This location looks great during both sunrise and sunset, as well as evening shooting and Aurora hunting.



Large and very shallow sea bay with few very good photographic locations around. During low tide we can find famous "alien eggs" ice formations, many coastal motives, great overview on the mountains around. Good for both sunrise and sunset time.



Fantastic shoreline with many great motives, one of the most famous is "The Eye of Uttakleiv". Interesting geological formations, sea vegetation, big boulders with crushing waves, round black stones, golden sand... all of these in one location. Perfect for every session.



Small island with several interesting photo spots. Main subjects here are wooden yellow and white houses. Good view on the island from the other side of the sea bay after reaching viewpoint on the hill.
Here we can also visit shop&cafe with many local products and some lunch meals.


Vik & Haukland

Two smaller beaches on the way to Utakleiv, sand motives, small rivers, some rocks and bigger boulders. Good for sunset session.



Very quiet and moody fishing village at the end of Lofoten Archipelago - the last place reachable by car. Good place for some exploration, looking for street motives, feeling the mood of northern islands.

In the village we can visit "Stockfish" museum and learn a bit more about dried cod industry and fishing history of the island. Paid extra on place.



Shoreline near Vikten village is a real "mine" of foreground motives. Perfect photographic playground with interesting rock formations, breaking waves, sea vegetation, tide pools and much more. Good for sunset time.



Another very moody fishing village - hidden by the narrow fiord, surrounded by mountains, with characteristic red houses called Robuer. 
In village we can find restrooms and nice cafe with local products, souvenirs and something to eat.

Few nice viewpoints on the village and small sea harbor. Great place for experimenting with street photography. We can also visit small museum with the history of fishing industry on Lofoten. Exhibition is open for free.


Fredvang & Sandbotnen

Bridges in Fredvang are real architectural pearls. View on the bridges with dramatic mountains in back is one of my favourites. Open area of this location is great for using tele lens and making panoramic shots. 

Sandbotnen beach is little less popular place but thanks to that - perfect for Aurora Hunting. Sand reflections and distant mountains making this place really great for shooting Northern Lights.


Aurora Borealis

Some selected shots from succesfull Aurora Hunting taken in different locations and workshops.


Few other places...

Set of pictures from several different locations. It is normal situation that we will stop by on the way to final destination just to catch the moments of great light or other interesting subjects.


People in action

"Behind the scenes" of my workshops from previous trips.
Many different locations and sessions.


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